We are the Smartest We’ve Ever Been

We are the smartest we’ve ever been. We have more M.D.’s, Ph.D.’s, Master’s degrees, Bachelors and Associate degrees then ever before in the history of America. We are, technically speaking, the smartest we’ve ever been.

Yet, we’ve never been sicker. Today we have unprecedented rates of depression, addiction, and suicide…we are so obviously ill.

Our culture is sick. We prize the intellectual thinking mind and have dismissed the deeper intelligence of our being. We have made the intellectual mind the most prized possession we have at the expense of relegating our deeper, innate intelligence to the back burner. Or maybe the shed is more like it. We have absolutely disregarded the seat of wisdom that is within each of us: our inner being and space of awareness where all of life truly unfolds. This disconnect—between our intellectual mind and our innate intelligence—has made us truly dis-eased and diseased.

How does one become well in a sick culture?It takes dedication, commitment, and a strong intention alongside a supportive mentor, coach, or community.

I say this as one who has tried to make it on my own. I made small gains, here and there. But when I became committed to really change my life and transform myself…well, that’s when I realized a mentor and community were absolutely necessary. Turns out, I was right.

So surround yourself with people that help you be the healthiest you! Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy soul, and you are destined for a happy, successful, fulfilling life! Regardless of what you believe happens in the afterlife, what we know for sure is we have this one life to live. And no one can live it for us. It is ours to create and do with what we will.

ALL the Love,

Dr. Tami

Dr. Tami Berry

I’m the Physician of Change. My mission is to help you break through the limitations you’ve been unintentionally conditioned with so your future can be what you want it to be.

Come and see for yourself what’s truly possible for you when you work WITH your mind in the most effectively so you can intentionally create a life you absolutely love living.

Life is 100% an inner game. And when you master the inner game, you master the game of life. I can’t wait to show you how!


Get Out There!


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