Made For MOre: 5-Day Experience
So, given that you know how powerful your mind is...the next best question to ask is "what gets in the way of you using this power to our greatest advantage?"
Hint: it's stress!
It's time you got serious about harnessing the magnificent power of your mind for good in your life as soon as right now!
The wisdom within
Did you know you are so wise? Did you know you have incredible wisdom within you?
There is so much wisdom within your body–so much so that it’s truly mind blowing.
When you know how to work with your brain, body, and nervous system you will unlock vast amounts of wisdom and knowledge that will serve you well.
When you know how To access and interpret your own wisdom you can translate it into the valuable feedback that it is and gain critical knowledge. Applied knowledge is power.
Self talk
This episode addresses one of the biggest blindspots most people have when doing self-development and self-transformation work. It’s the impact and influence of self-talk.
Too many of us have completely normalized horrible, awful self-talk. So much so that when we initially contemplate it we think we’re actually pretty good at this. Or we think that THAT’s not a real problem for us.
Think again, my friend.
A stressed brain is exquisitely good at over-complicating anything and will over-complicate everything. You need to intentionally simplify your life because your wellbeing, your happiness and your success in life is actually dependent on your ability to simplify.
Did you know that living a truly beautiful, healthy, happy and wildly successful life is actually very simple?
The ability to distill complexity down to its simplest form is actually a sign of deep intelligence and it opens you up to your own creativity and inner genius. Simplicity will help you focus your attention and energy on what really matters. When you simplify all the extraneous minutiae of complication falls away and your left with what truly matters and what will become the building blocks for everything you really want in life.
Mind management
A lot of people spend a lot of time managing their time, money, schedules, tasks, people, situations, relationships, and the behavior of those around them WITHOUT realizing the one thing that creates ALL of those problems can be solved with proper mind management.
I can relate so well to this because I used to be that person. Consumed in the stress and chaos around me and trying to manage all the wrong things–if I’m being totally honest I still fall into that pattern from time to time. It’s funny how easy it is to get caught up trying to manage people, places and things that I need to look within and begin managing the one thing that impacts my life the most and that’s my own dang mind.
good stress vs bad stress
Did you know stress can be good for you? Do you know what makes stress bad for you?
This topic becomes increasingly important as we navigate more perceived stressors in the world around us. This affects how we think, how we feel, and how we behave in our everyday lives in small and big ways.
This episode will help you recognize when you’re swept up in bad stress and help you understand why and how it happens.
This level of knowledge and insight is a window into greater self-awareness and liberation.
build your ability to change
I know you–because you’re so much like me– you're interested in your own growth, development, and evolution and so you know that change is a must.
In our quest for change, we often struggle because we think it should be easy. We think we can just decide to change and that it should be done.
We don’t recognize that there’s both the capacity to change and then there’s the ability to change.
Two different things, yet related.
when change is hard
This episode is for you if you’re trying to change and you desperately want to change but despite your desire and best efforts change is still hard! I know how awful this is–I’ve been there myself –which is why I’m here breaking this down for you. This episode can save you years of struggle and emotional pain, especially if you are stuck in habits that don’t serve you well.
You’ll gain an understanding of what’s really going on beneath the behaviors you wanna change, whether that behavior shows up in your actions, reactions or inactions. The core of change is the same for all of them. What a relieving and refreshing realization that is!
launch an attention rebellion
Let’s launch an Attention Rebellion!
There’re a lot of things vying for your attention right now. The constant news cycle, ads, social media, work, family, friends…there are so many places where your attention can be swept up and carried away.
Why does it matter where your attention goes?
Everything that has your attention has access to your brain.
The brain is being continually shaped by experience (up until the day you die).
you are the one
You are the one.
You are the one you've been waiting for. No one is coming to save you. And you don't need anyone to save you.
You are the one. You are the one who creates your experience and if you don't like it then you can re-create it. This is a level of radical responsibility for yourself and your life that few will take.
It isn't easy, in fact it's humbling and hard. Which is why so few actually do it. It takes radical courage and bravery to do it. It is a position of 100% responsibility and with it comes 100% power to change, evolve and grow into who you want to be.
a success model worth living by
Your ability to live a successful life is the theme of this episode.
This topic is so important if you want to experience a fulfilling, meaningful, satisfying, and joyful life.
Most people are living by someone else's definition of success. Stuck on a path that never gets them to the promise land of the sweetness, depth, richness, and goodness of life. Chances are, unless you've actually tasked yourself with doing this work, you are living by someone else's definition of success. It's likely it's been conditioned into you and it leaves feeling like you never quite have enough or that you're never quite good enough.
a scarcity vs sufficiency mindset
In this episode I share why we all need a scarcity detox and what steps we can take to do it.
Scarcity is an epidemic right now and it poisons our way of thinking, being and living in the world. Scarcity has us thinking that there’s never enough. Never enough time, energy, money, or that we’re not enough. With scarcity we become more competitive, constricted, contracted and exhausted.
Sufficiency, on the other hand, is a powerful way to reprogram your thinking mind in ways that support your own health, happiness and fulfillment in life. Sufficiency thinking means you appreciate what resources you have within you and around you.
how your nervous system can derail your life
In this episode I discuss the important role the nervous system has in how we show up in our lives. And how it can prevent us from making the decisions or taking the actions that allow us to live up to our greatest aspirations and potential.
I learned this so intimately in my own experience with burnout, because I never intended on burning out. I clearly never intended on being an alcoholic. I never intended on being a shopaholic, workaholic, or the slew of other addictions that took me over. But now that I understand what the nervous system does and how when it's stressed it creates massive dysfunction and dysregulation in the way we think and behave.
turning pain to passion & purpose
Let's talk about turning pain into passion and purpose!
This is one of my most favorite topics. This idea can single-handedly change your life. It certainly has changed mine!
Our pain offers us an incredible opportunity to evolve and grow beyond where we are right now. Our collective experience of stress and pain right now is a unique opportunity in the history of us as a species to use stress as a powerful source for evolution and growth.
In this episode I share why I burned out, what burnout taught me, and how I continue to recover. This episode is personal and I share candidly and deeply about my own experience, despite what my internal perfectionist has to say about it--which is a lot of nothing good!
My mission to serve is bigger than my fear of judgment and shame. And so, here I am sharing the nitty gritty details and showing up for you because I know that if you are here then you need my authentic truth and you can borrow from my experience to help process your own and find greater strength in meeting the challenges and stresses of your life right now, especially if you are experiencing burnout.
What is Burnout and What Can You Do About It?
Burnout is one of those things that we talk about but it's really a deeper experience for those who have it.
In this episode of Dr. Tami Talks I share a little bit about burnout and the three signs that make it up: exhaustion, cynicism, and loss of self-efficacy. And how all three of these are so painful for the high-achiever and how this fuels guilt, shame, and more psychological stress that fuels The Burnout Response.
This topic came to mind as I was reflecting on the stress we're all experiencing and recognizing the importance for us to rise as leaders who Lead With Love.
Excessive levels of stress, particularly when we experience distress, separate us from love. From a neurologic, physiologic, and biologic perspective, the stress-based circuitry is not compatible with love, belonging, joy, creativity, or good decision making when it involves complex pieces of disparate information.
“I hope you choose being happy over being right.”
This was the last thing one of the counselors said to me as I was leaving rehab, nealry 9 years ago.
Such great advice! Some of the best advice I’ve ever knowingly received.
Wanna know what’s REALLY funny? When I first heard it, I rolled my eyes. I may have even scoffed, perhaps to myself or outwardly, I’m not entirely sure. Upon leaving I shared these same words with others with a giggle and some commentary that went something like, “that’s advice you can expect to get from someone who clearly isn’t used to being right.” 🤦♀️
Could There Really Be Just ONE Solution to Every Problem?
I've discovered the ONE solution to every problem rests within CURIOSITY.
CURIOSITY is defined as a desire to know or learn.
The QUALITY of your CURIOSITY also matters.