You Were Born with a Billion Dollar Gift

My grandfather was a wise man. Not “book” smart the way I am. He was more the naturally brilliant type. He grew up on a farm in rural Canada and never made it past the 6th grade. This may have been his saving grace, as he was never indoctrinated into the Prussian system like the rest of us.

This man went on do absolutely amazing things with his life. Defying all odds and accumulating the nicest of things all while somehow keeping his heart and mind open. This man was replete with love. I now know that he was a master of his mind, this was his ultimate gift and tool for living an amazing life.

He often said to me:

“You were born with a billion dollar gift. If you allow it to flip flop, to be consumed by negative thoughts, it will destroy you. Yet, if you guide it and use it properly, it will bring you great happiness.”

Of course, this billion dollar gift is your mind. As I have gotten older and a little wiser, I now know the deeper truths of this message. Our minds are incredibly powerful. Anything you want, be it love, happiness, family, joy, prosperity, or a successful business, ALL starts with your mind. Indeed your mind is powerful beyond description.

Yet, we must guide it. We must be our own leaders of our minds.

When we are the mercy of our surroundings, environment, or media influences then we are more likely to be stuck in flip-flop thinking. One minute great, the next minute not so much. One minute happy and the next minute unhappy. One minute on the top of the heap and the next minute buried at the bottom.

When we choose how we will guide our minds and we do so with intention, warmth, and kindness then our moment-to-moment experience unfolds in a very different way.

It’s like have great suspension on your car. You don’t even notice the bumpy road when your suspension is top notch. The same goes for a well guided mind. You don’t even notice the things that used to draw you toward anger, sadness, or confusion because you’ve decided to notice the things that make you happy, fulfilled, and alive!

If somewhere deep down you KNOW that this is attainable—even OWED—to you, I invite you to check out Stress Mastery Academy or to work 1-on-1 with me. Through this work, we get to shift our state from survival to ALL OUT THRIVING! It’s available, whenever you’re ready.

ALL the Love,

Dr. Tami

Dr. Tami Berry

I’m the Physician of Change. My mission is to help you break through the limitations you’ve been unintentionally conditioned with so your future can be what you want it to be.

Come and see for yourself what’s truly possible for you when you work WITH your mind in the most effectively so you can intentionally create a life you absolutely love living.

Life is 100% an inner game. And when you master the inner game, you master the game of life. I can’t wait to show you how!

Why I Went From Surgeon to Mindset Coach