Hi, I’m Dr. Tami!
I teach you how to master your mind so you can feel More Alive and go on to create a life you truly love.
Life is a series of choices, an endless stream of thoughts and decisions. Most of which are determined or guided by our deeper feelings and emotions.
It is our thoughts and emotions that fuel our actions, reactions (an in action) in life.
It is our thoughts and emotions that determine how we perceive people, events, ourselves and the world.
It is our thoughts that lead to emotions, then those emotions lead to thoughts and the ongoing cycle continues.
When we add stress our thoughts and emotions are essentially running again and again in a looping pattern or cycle.
Stress does funny (not funny haha but funny peculiar) things to the human brain. It alters the way it works! It leaves you thinking, processing, perceiving, and creating your life from the most primitive region of your brain (aka. the reptilian brain).
If your experience is anything like mine, then you too are not necessarily aware of these deeper feelings, thoughts and emotions.
Because of this you’re left wondering where things went wrong? Mostly, where you went wrong, am I right?!?
We can pinpoint the the action or the behavior that’s causing us trouble, and we blame and shame ourselves mercilessly when we land upon it. But there is always a deeper motivation, a deeper intention, a deeper belief or thought that is driving ALL of our choices and results in life.
To uncover these deeper drivers of our behavior (which so often reside in our ongoing unconscious beliefs and thoughts) requires heavy doses of understanding, compassion, kindness, and love. This is the first habit (and belief system) we must commit to building!
Why is compassion, kindness and understanding SO important? It’s because nearly all of the unhelpful, limiting, or harmful patterns we currently struggle with have roots that are buried beneath layers of pain, trauma and stresses. And once upon a time, these now maladaptive patterns, served a very important role and purpose in our lives. They kept us safe, they kept us aligned with our “tribe” (whether that’s your familial, social, cultural, academic or other influential group). We want to honor and respect them as such.
Several years ago I left my life as a practicing physician and general surgeon. I needed to regroup and reconnect with my intuitive knowing; I was desperate for total alignment of my mind, body and soul. You see, I had lost the only thing that really matters.
Me, myself and I.
The total sum of me had been rearranged— I had completely neglected by soul, totally abused my body, and had utterly lost my mind. I had outsourced authority in my life to those I had assigned as “knowing better than me” and I had surrendered my connection to my own inner intelligence, my own inner guidance, my own inner knowing and intuition.
The result was total calamity. Burnout. Alcoholism. Drug Addiction. Addictions to working, shopping, gambling, and the list goes on and on. Consumed. Consuming myself and everything around me.
I was living so out of authentic alignment with who I was that I truly didn’t know where to begin. In fact, whenever I heard the words “authentic” or “authenticity” I actually had NO idea what the hell that even was. It has taken me years to discover my true self. And now that I know that my true self is united with my soul—which is eternal, expansive, and continually evolving—I also give myself space and room to discover this true self again and again as it is infinite and can’t be defined in a nice, neat little box with a bow on top.
In the end, what I had been willing to sacrifice all along ends up being the most valuable thing I’ve got. And YOU are the most valuable thing you’ve got!
How well we manage our own minds determines how well we manage our own lives. PERIOD.
I’m here to share how you too can regain mastery of your mind so you can regain mastery of your life. I integrate many fields and disciplines in my approach…my work is a blending of leading-edge science that expands your mind, awakens your body and enlivens your soul!
If you’re ready to create a life that you absolutely love, then you are in the right place. Let me just say how delighted and honored I am to be on the journey alongside you!
I’m Here to Help You Live a Life You Truly Love!
“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.”
The Core Beliefs That Influence & Guide My Work:
I believe that YOU are your greatest gift. I believe that your Presence is the greatest gift you have to offer another person. I also know that the only thing that gets in the way of us being able to bring our full Presence in any given moment is our state of mind. Much of what Mind Mastery teaches is centered on recognizing when we are trapped in our minds while teaching how to break free of this bondage. Freedom requires work. There is no greater freedom than the freedom that comes from liberation from the bondage of self. And so that is what we do here.
Beliefs are powerful and anchor much of what transpires for us. They determine what we allow ourselves to receive in our lives, good and bad. Uncovering beliefs is a particularly powerful process and it can be achieved with an expansion of our awareness.
Since beliefs are so powerful, I wanted to share a few of mine…
I believe that everything happens for a reason. And I mean EVERYTHING.
I believe that everything is working out for your greatest good—in all ways—always. (It’s our work to discover this truth behind every circumstance…even the super awful ones!)
I believe that we are here for the joy of living.
I believe that love makes life worth living.
I believe that YOU are precious, sacred, a treasure that is to be seen, heard, recognized, and honored.
I believe that YOU get to decide what success means to you and you must hold this first in your mind to keep sane in this fast-paced, intense world we live in today.
I know that your intuition can guide you to everything you want if you’ll learn how to listen to it.
I believe that when you master your mind, you master your life! Because I’ve seen it in my own life, the lives of my surgical and critical care patients when I worked at the hospital, I’ve seen in the people I mentor and coach, and I see it all around me in my friends and family. This one thing determines everything—so today I tend to my mind like my life depends on it—because it does!
Words From former Clients & Students…
“Dr. Tami has a rare gift, her ability to bring a sense of calm helps center me from the moment I hear her voice. I was suffering from where my mind was taking me. Now I have skills that actually work to bring it back to good.” -RM
“Working with Dr. Tami has been the greatest gift I’ve ever given myself.” -GE
“I didn't REALLY know how much I needed this until I took one of her courses. Now I can’t wait to take her next one! I didn’t know how far away I was from self-kindness and self-love. This work has truly changed my life.” -EK
“Dr. Tami is able to bring warmth, love, and tenderness to my most sensitive places. She has helped me work through and release things that I’ve been trying to heal for many years now. I am so beyond grateful for having worked with her.” -RD
“I wish this work with Dr. Tami would never end!” -SH
“Dr. Tami is so knowledgeable yet relatable. She breaks complex ideas down so I can easily understand them. She’s taught me critical skills I needed to learn so I can fully meet myself as I am, where I am and live more fully in love with all that I am. A rare gift, indeed!” -JA